Friday, 25 October 2013

Ghazwah Al-Fath

Ghazwah al-Fath merupakan peperangan membuka kota Makkah.Ia berlaku padaRamadan,tahun ke-8 hijrah.

Sebabnya; perdamaian Hudaibiyyah membolehkan mana-mana kabilah Arab melakukan pakatan dengan Rasulullah s.a.w.jika mereka mahu.Mereka juga bebas untuk melakukan pakatan dengan Qurasiy.Bani Bakar telah bersetuju untuk melakukan pakatan dengan Quraisy,sementara Khuzaah bersetuju melakukan pakatan dengan Rasulullah s.a.w..Pada tahun ke-8 hijrah,Bani Bakar melakukan pencerobohan ke atas Khuzaah. Mereka membunuh kira-kira 20 orang lelaki daripada Khuzaah.Quraisy turut terlibat membekalkun harta dan senjata kepada Bani Bakar.Apabila berita itu sampai kepada Rasul s.a.w.,Baginda merasa amat marah,lantas mempersiapkan tentera Islam untuk memerangi Quraisy.Namun Baginda tidak mahu memberitahu orang ramai hala tuju tenteranya,supaya Quraisy tidak bersiap sedia.Jika Quraisy membuat persiapan menghadapi tentera Islam,ia akan mengakibatkan kehormatan Tanah Haram tercemar dan serata ceruknya akan dipenuhi cebisan-cebisan mayat (ramai nyawa yang terkorban).

Hatib bin Abi Baltaah al-Badariy telah mengutuskan surat secara rahsia ke Makkah,memberitahu penduduk Makkah berkenaan kedatangan Rasul untuk menyerang mereka.Namun,Allah telah memberitahu Rasul-Nya tentang surat tersebut. Baginda menghantar beberapa orang sahabatnya mengejar wanita yang membawa surat itu untuk memeriksanya.Mereka akhirnya menemui surat tersebut.Oleh itu,Rasul s.a.w. memanggil Hatib,seraya bersabda:

"Apa yang mendorong kamu melakukan perbuatan ini?" Hatib menjawab:"Wahai Rasulullah,demi Allah,aku beriman dengan Allah dan Rasul-Nya.Aku tidak berubah atau menukar imanku.Namun,aku seorang lelaki yang tidak mempunyai asal-usul dan hubungan kekeluargaan dalam kaum itu (Quraisy).Sedangkan aku mempunyai anak dan keluarga yang tinggal dengan mereka.Oleh itu,aku berlagak baik dengan mereka untuk keselamatan kaum keluargaku."

Lantas Umar berkata:"Wahai Rasulullah,biarkan aku penggal lehernya.Sesungguhnya lelaki ini telah munafik." Rasulullah s.a.w. berkata kepada Umar:"Dia telah terlibat dalam Ghazwah Badar.Kamu tidak tahu boleh jadi Allah memerhati ahli-ahli Badar,lalu Dia berfirman:"Lakukanlah apa yang kamu mahu. Sesungguhnya Aku telah mengampunkan kamu."

Rasul s.a.w. telah bertolak daripada Madinah pada 10 Ramadan. Dalam perjalanan tersebut Baginda telah berbuka puasa.Tindakan tersebut diikuti oleh orang ramai, ekoran kepenatan dan kesusahan yang mereka hadapi dalam perjalanan. Bilangan mereka ketika keluar dari Madinah seramai 10,000 orang. Dalam perjalanan beberapa kabilah Arab bergabung dengan mereka. Ketika di Marr az-Zohron, pengawal-pengawal Rasulullah s.a.w.terserempak dengan Abu Suffian bersama dua orang temannya. Lalu para pengawal Baginda menahan dan membawa mereka mengadap Nabi s.a.w.. Kemudian Abu Suffian memeluk Islam.

Al-Abbas (Rasulullah telah menemuinya di pertengahan jalan.Al-Abbas ketika itusedang menuju ke Madinah untuk berhijrah dan memeluk Islam) berkata:Abu Suffian seorang lelaki yang cintakan kemegahan.Anugerahkan kepadanya sesuatu yang boleh dibanggakannya.Maka Rasulullah bersabda:

"Sesiapa yang masuk ke dalam rumah Abu Suffian, dia mendapat keamanan."

Kemudian tentera Islam sampai di Makkah.Penyeru Rasulullah s.a.w. mengisytiharkan:"Sesiapa yang masuk ke rumahnya dan mengunci pintu,dia mendapat keamanan.Sesiapa yang memasuki masjid,dia mendapat keamanan.Sesiapa yang masuk ke dalam rumah Abu Suffian, dia juga mendapat keamanan." Namun,terdapat 15 orang Ielaki yang melakukan jenayah besar terhadap Islam dan Rasulnya telah dikecualikan daripada jaminan keamanan tersebut.

Kemudian Rasulullah s.a.w. memasuki Makkah dengan menaiki tunggangannya.Baginda masuk Makkah dalam keadaan tunduk sehingga dahinya hampir-hampir menyentuh pelana tunggangannya,sebagai tanda bersyukur kepada Allah di atas kemenangan yang paling besar itu.Selepas itu Rasul s.a.w. tawaf di Baitullah dan menghapuskan berhalaberhala di sekelilingnya yang mencapai bilangan 360 buah.Kemudian Baginda memasuki Kaabah dan bersembahyang dua rakaat di dalamnya.Setelah selesai,Baginda berdiri di muka pintu Kaabah,sementara Quraisy mengintai-ngintai apakah yang akan diperbuat oleh Baginda kepada mereka.Antara kata-kata Baginda ketika itu ialah:

"Wahai sekelian Quraisy,apakah yang kamu sangka aku akan lakukan kepada kamu?" Mereka menjawab: "Kebaikan Kamu saudara yang mulia dan anak kepada saudara yang mulia." Maka Rasulullah s.a.w.bersabda:"Pada hari ini,aku katakan kepada kamu sebagaimana kata-kata saudaraku, Yusuf sebelum ini: "Kamu pada hari ini tidak akan ditempelak atau disalahkan (tentang perbuatan kamu yang telah terlanjur itu),semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa kamu,dan Dia lah jua Yang Maha Mengasihani daripada segala yang lain yang mengasihani." (Yusuf: 92). Pergilah kamu.Kamu semua dibebaskan."

Kemudian orang ramai berhimpun di sekitar bukit Sofa untuk berbaiah dengan Rasulullah s.a.w. di atas nama Islam.Rasul s.a.w,duduk mengadap mereka di atas bukit Sofa.Baginda mengambil baiah dengan janji untuk mendengar dan taat kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya sedaya upaya mereka.Kaum lelaki telah melakukan baiah terlebih dahulu,kemudian diikuti oleh wanita.Baginda tidak berjabat tangan dengan mana-mana wanita di kalangan mereka.Di antara wanita yang berbaiah ialah Hindun,isteri Abu Suffian.Hindun tergolong di kalangan orang yang telah dihalalkan darahnya oleh Baginda pada hari pembukaan Makkah.Namun,apabila Baginda mengetahui beliau turut serta dalam baiah tersebut,Baginda memaafkan beliau disebabkan baiah yang dilakukannya itu.

Pada hari pembukaan Makkah tersebut,Rasulullah s.a.w. memerintahkan Bilal agar melaungkan azan solat Zohor di atas Ka’abah.Quraisy yang hadir terkejut besar dengan perbuatan tersebut.Ketika itu mereka belum memeluk Islam lagi.Namun Rasulullah s.a.w. ingin perbuatan itu dilakukan dengan sengaja kerana ia mengandungi rahsia yang besar dan hikmah yang agung.

Sekian Wallahu’alam....

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Al-Fath 48, 1

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Integrated Islamic School

IISKD Yearbook "Al-Fath Class of 2012'

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Al Fath Institute

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Al-Fath Forums

Forums al-Fath - édité par vBulletin

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Lisan al-Din (Language of Faith)


O my people! All that cuts you off from real knowledge (makrifa) of Allah and of His saints (awliya) is your love of this world, your greed for it and your desire to have plenty of what it has to offer. You must remember the hereafter and leave this world alone.

O Allah, perfect generosity
and perfect liberality are among Your attributes (sifat),
and we are Your slaves,
so grant us a tiny speck of them!

Note: Extracts from lectures given by Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in Ramadhan 545 A.H. Reference: The Sublime Revelation (Al-fath ar-Rabbani) Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.

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Al-Fath 10

Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you, [O Muhammad] - they are actually pledging allegiance to Allah . The hand of Allah is over their hands. So he who breaks his word only breaks it to the detriment of himself. And he who fulfills that which he has promised Allah - He will give him a great reward.

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A treatise on medicine alphabetically arranged, Arabic manuscript on paper, 106ff. as numbered plus two fly-leaves, including numerous tables with descriptions of ailments and medicines, written in green, red, blue and black cursive script, preceded by an index and 10ff., each with 20-25ll. of black naskh, words picked out in red, with two diagrams, opening folio with four lines of large black lively thuluth-like script indicating the subject of this work, colophon mentions the name 'Abd al-Rahman bin Mahmud al-Ahsa'i and the date 6 Safar AH 924, modern owner's stamp throughout, waterstaining, in red stamped morocco binding, with flap
Folio 11½ x 8in. (29.2 x 20.2cm.)

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Vers 17-29 skrivet med kufisk skrift.

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befriend the righteous


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Al Fath Radiology Center


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Book of Prayers -Ahmad Nairizi (active 1682–1739)

Book of Prayers, Surat al-Yasin and Surat al-Fath

  • This prayer book reflects the interaction between India and Iran in the eighteenth century. It contains the Surat al-Yasin and the Surat al-Fath (Victory) copied by the celebrated master of revival naskh, Ahmad Nairizi, with illuminations attributed to the renowned Muhammad Hadi. The color palette and decoration of naturalistic grape-bearing vines and vegetal scrolls in vibrant gold, pistachio green, and crimson resemble designs used in Mughal and Kashmiri manuscript illumination, architectural decoration, and decorative arts.

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Dar Al-Fath for Research & Publishing

Dar Al-Fath for Research & Publishing

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Al Fath Group

duct work

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AL FATH DUTA Tour & Travel

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Al Fath Mosque 1920 -Cairo

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manuscript from the Koranic -Al-Fath (Victory)

This manuscript contains verses from the Koranic sura (chapter) entitled al-Fath (Victory). Possibly Iraq. 9th century. 23.7 x 33.6 cm. Kufic script. Courtesy of the Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution.

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ISC Al Fath

ISC (Mubes I)

Organisasi keren ini berawal dari pengajian-pengajian intensif atau yang sering disebut liqo, nah… dari sini lahirlah ISC Al Fath. Awalnya organisasi ini anggotanya berasal dari Umbrella Club, Suffah Club and club-club lain yang saban kali ngumpul selalu sibuk mengkaji Islam, memperbaiki dirinya dan orang lain.
Nama Al Fath diambil dari pedoman hidup kita yaitu Al Quran tepatnya surah ke-48. Al Fath artinya kemenangan agar kelak ISC Al Fath dengan izin Allah SWT bisa ngebawa orang-orang yang ada di dalamnya buat ngeraih kemenangan yang hakiki yaitu di dunia dan akhirat. Amien…..
Biar lebih lengkap pengetahuannya kita lihat aja, apa sich visi misi dari Al Fath ini. Check them up…
Visi :
Sebagai sarana pembinaan karakteristik mahasiswa muslim yang berkepribadian Islam, intelek, berjiwa kepemimpinan dan wadah kreativitas amal Islami supaya terwujud lingkungan kampus yang madani.
1. Mengkokohkan prinsip Al Aqidah Islamiyah pada setap mahasiswa muslim di lingkungan prodi bahasa Inggris dan sekitarnya.
2. Membina kepribadian Islam yang menyeluruh.
3. Mengarahkan dan menyalurkan potensi, bakat, dan kreativitas mahasiswa muslim.
4. Menjadikan bahasa internasional menjadi sarana dakwah.
5. Mengkokohkan bangunan ukhuwah Islamiyah di antara warga kampus.

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how to quit your self (nafs).

This is the deep training (tarbiyah): how to quit your self (nafs).

Allah bestows honor on the one who bows to another and practices ‘humility’ for the sake of Allah. He who bows down is uplifted. He who is vain falls. The seed germinates only when it has been buried in the earth. The people at the time of the Prophet used to ask,

What is it with this Prophet
who eats food and walks in the marketplace?
Why hasn’t an angel been sent down with him to give admonition?
(Surah al-Furqan 25:7)

and followed that up with,

How come we don’t see the angels come down to us
and why don’t we see our Lord?
(Surah al-Furqan 25:21)

and Allah answered them saying,
[Even] if We had made an angel, 
We would have sent him as a man, 
and dressed him as you are dressed.
(Surah al-'An'am 6:9)

So it is that our guides, our shuyukh, our murshids are people like us but more along the lines of the response of the Prophet, upon him be peace,

Truly I am a man like you
but it has been revealed to me that your G-d is one G-d.
(Surah al-Kahf 18:10)

and our shuyukh, the human inheritors (warathah) of the Rasul (divine Messenger), continue to do just that - remind us of the oneness of Allah and train us in the Way of Allah urging us to board the Ship of Safety so that, insha'Allah, we may reach the farthest shore. Our task, as sincere students, is to take the reminder, walk through the door and take the hand of the man whose hand is in the hand of the man whose hand is in the hand of the Prophet so then, like bulbs connected to wires running from pole to pole, we will be connected to the generator in the powerhouse of love and mercy.

yadul-Llahi faoqa aydihim
And the Hand of Allah is above their hands!
(Surah al-Fath 25:7)

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Druze Worldwide Magazine

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Nur Al-Fajr

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how is your Fajr prayer?

Sometimes we have moments, or even months or years, in which we feel we’ve lost a part of ourselves. We used to be so motivated to do good deeds, remembering Him when we would go to sleep and wake up, but now we feel far away from our Lord. We wonder to ourselves: how can I get that zeal and energy back?

At the Top of Your List

One thing we have to know: we can always return. In fact, Allah ar-Rahmaan loves us to turn back to Him. To see where you’re standing in your relationship with Him, there are a few things you can judge yourself on. This week you’ll look into one of these “mirrors” of your emaan and find out why it should be on the top of your list if you want to be productive!

It’s the first thing you’ll be asked about on the Day of Judgment, it can protect you from the fire of Hell, and it can be a reason to admit you into the Gardens of Allah ‘azza wajal. Starting your day with it blesses the hours that follow and greatly increases your productivity.

What is it? It’s your Fajr prayer. So now the main question is: how is your Fajr prayer?
Allah the Most High says: So establish the Prayer after the declining of the sun [for Dhuhr and then Asr] to the dusk of night [Maghrib and then ‘Isha] and the [Quranic] recitation of Fajr [prayer]. Indeed, the recitation of Fajr is witnessed. [Quran, 17:78]

Living Forever?

Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala originally commanded the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during Israa wal Miraaj that the ummah should pray fifty prayers a day!

Then it was decreased to five. You can learn from this process which place salah should truly hold in your life. Imagine praying fifty times a day! You’d be in prayer constantly,salah would be your life and you wouldn’t have much time for anything else.

This is a reminder of your true purpose in life. Now look at how things have flipped around in your daily life; most of us fit our prayer around our daily activities instead of our daily activities around our prayers, thinking we are being productive.

Then we complain that we feel down, low, out of energy.  We feed our bodies— if we didn’t we’d die— but we let our souls starve. Not praying means our souls are dead. Which lives forever, your body or your soul?

The Reality of Fajr

Look at your life. Is the first thing you do when your alarm goes off washing your face, eating, and going to work or school? Or do you get up to pray first before you start your day? What is really akbar (greater) in your life?  Saying Allaahu akbar means we put Allaah and our duties to Him first. Choosing to start your day by praying Fajr is a crucial choice between success and loss. Are you a winner or a loser?

Imagine you had a plane to catch the next morning or a job interview. You’d make sure you woke up, right? You sometimes even wake up before your alarm goes off. So why don’t you get up as easily for the Fajr prayer?

It’s all in the mind. It’s very simple; we attach more value to our worldly lives then to our hereafter. Our sense of duty to our Most Merciful Lord might be weaker than our desire for the things around us.
If you’re attached to Allah, you see Fajr as more important than the rest of the day’s affairs all put together! You find peace in praying it and it motivates you to rise again, creating a positive cycle. Being productive as a Muslim is all about breaking bad cycles and starting good ones!

The Angels at Fajr

Remember the ayah above? Indeed, the recitation of Fajr is witnessed.  This means that both the angels of the night and the angels of the morning listen to the Fajr prayer being recited because of its great status and virtue. [al-Suyuti, Tafsir al-Jalalayn]

Al-Bukhaari reported: Angels come to you in shifts by night and by day. They meet at salaat al-fajr and salaat al-‘asr, then those who had stayed with you at night ascend, and are asked by the One Who knows better than they: ‘How did you find My servants?’ They say, ‘We left them when they were praying, and we came to them when they were praying.’”

With what report do you send the angels off to Allah ‘azza wajal each morning? And if the rewards don’t convince you, motivate yourself with this warning from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam: The most burdensome prayers for the hypocrites are ‘Isha and Fajr but if they only knew what they contain, they would come even if they had to crawl.” [Ahmad]

Practical Steps to Help You Wake Up For Fajr!

Does your heart want to wake up, yet your body keeps sleeping and you feel regret later in the morning? This is still a gift from Allah ‘azza wajal in the sense that your still desire to worship Him and you regret when you fail. However this connection with Allah doesn’t come without any effort on your part!

I wanted to share with you a few practical steps in terms of trying to ensure you wake up for Fajr, which I found really useful and which are a bit different from many I came across. They are of three types: physical, mental, and spiritual. And they are ourhomework!

Physical Preparation
1. Simplify your bedding
2. Drink ample water so you are forced to wake up to use the bathroom
3. Set multiple alarms (especially the alarm phone app which asks you to solve a sum in order to switch off!)
4. Really set priorities by not finishing off certain works at night

Mental Preparation

1. Before bed, visualize yourself rising, washing, and praying
2. Tell your mind with determination before sleeping that there’s an important appointment at Fajr which you must attend (with Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala)
3. Warn your mind beforehand that your body will be tempted to close its eyes when the alarm rings (for “just a few more minutes”) and not to give in to it.
4. Never give up and feel hopeless; if you didn’t wake up today, you will tomorrowinsha’Allah!

Spiritual Preparation

1. Fill your heart with love for your Creator and the desire to please Him for all He has given to you– fill your heart with the importance and love for praying Fajr and the fear of missing it.
2. Beg Allah the Almighty before bed for the ability to wake up the following morning.
3. Feel really regretful and sad if you miss it (but never despair!) and make it up immediately.
4. Strive to avoid other major sins in your daily life and repent from them to try to gain divine assistance (tawfiq).

Don’t give up. You are created for a reason! You can be something special to Allah ‘azza wajal if you take the steps towards Him. If you haven’t woken up for your Fajr prayer for years, set ten alarms today. Make sincere dua before you sleep— plead with Him to let you pray. You won’t be disappointed.

May Allah ‘azza wajal make us among those who rise and pray Fajr easily and consistently, out of submission and gratitude, ameen.

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Nafs by Muhammad Elijah

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Al-Fajr Banner

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Be keen on performing Al (Fajr)

You should be keen on performing Al (Fajr), and you can go to sleep early, where is your will? Where is your time management? All your business appointments should be over at 10 or 11 PM, go to sleep and you will find yourself fully awake at Azan Al Fajr (the call for down prayer). Go to the mosque, read Quran, and mention Allah the Almighty, and by doing so, you will find the rest of your day as a piece of happiness, prosperity, righteousness, clear vision, wise decision and everything will be smooth for you.
((He who offers the dawn (Fajr) prayers will come under the Protection of Allah till sun set))
[Al Tabarani, by Ibn Omar]

What do you say? Go to sleep early my brother, put a plan after you wake up, i.e. quarter an hour to meditate, quarter an hour to mention Allah, quarter an hour for Salah, recite 6 pages of Quran, do your laudation and then plan for your work, don’t keep the things you are going to do in your mind only, rather write them down and put them in a business agenda so that you won’t forget anything saying: “Glory be to Allah I forgot”, why should you forget? Write down what you are going to do.
((Write down your knowledge lest you forget it))
[Tabarani, by Ibn Omar]

Al Fajr Salah is your solution to mend your connection with Allah. One might say: “I am a believer, I don’t kill, fornicate, or drink wine”, these major sins are not what we are talking about as you don’t do them, yet, our problem lies in the minor sins, but a minor sin could be like a major one, how?
 Suppose, by way of example that you are riding your car on a 60 meter wide road, with a ravine on the right and on the left, the major sin is like turning the steering wheel ninety degrees angle and go straight to the ravine, whereas the minor sin is like turning the steering wheel by only one centimeter and fixing it, and this will take you after a while down to the ravine, hence the minor deviation turned into major deviation.
((Minor sins are no longer minor with determination (repeating doing them) ))
[Ibn Al Munther and Daylamee, by Ibn Abbas]

As for the 90 degrees deviation, it could be fixed in a second and you will be saved, but the constant deviation by one centimeter is not fixable, and it will lead you down to the ravine.

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Al Fajr Institute – Logo


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Sourate Al Fajr pour les enfants



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prayer is better than sleep

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Al-Fajr Engineering Office

Al-Fajr Engineering Office

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Design & Interfaces

alfajr's Profile Picture

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ALFAJR company


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Surat Al Fajr in Diwani Calligraphy

Surat Al Fajr in Diwani Calligraphy

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Saturday, 19 October 2013

this one truly stands out

Simply out of the blue I found this sweet little ladybug in my room last week.
It reminded me of one of my favourite chapters from the Holy Qur'an;
Surah Luqman.

It's hard to pick a favourite verse but for today this one truly stands out.
"Whoever submits his whole self to Allah, and is a doer of good, has grasped indeed the most trustworthy hand-hold: and with Allah rests the End and Decision of (all) affairs."
{Surah Luqman, verse 22}
What's your favourite surah lately?

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orange sunset Surah Luqman

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wooden frames -At Tahrim

Surah At-Tahrim , ayat 66 size 42x32cm, mahogany

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listen to it

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wooden frames -Al Hadid

Al Hadid , ayat 2-3, size :100x80cm

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Surah Ar-Rum verse 60

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