"This period will be over then. The good and the pure will have been separated from the evil and the rebellious; the latter will have been rendered inert, and the former will have been so perfected that their wills will be in complete consonance with Allah's Universal Will. The Command, thenceforward, will be wholly with Allah." - Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Surah 82:1-15
When the Sky is cleft asunder; when the Stars are scattered;
When the Oceans are suffered to burst forth;
When the graves are turned upside down -
(Then) shall each soul know what it had sent forward,
And (what it hath) kept back,
O man! What has seduced thee from Thy Lord Most Beneficent? -
Him who created thee, fashioned thee in due proportion,
And given thee a just bias;
In whatever Form He wills, does He put thee together.
But verily over you (are appointed angels) -
Kind and honourable - writing down (your deeds):
They know (and understand) all that ye do.
As for the righteous, they will be in Bliss; and the wicked -
They will be in the Fire,
Which they will enter on the Day of Judgement,(6008)
And they will not be able to keep away thereform.
And what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgement is?
Again, what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgement is? (6009)
(It will be) the Day when no soul shall have power, (to do) aught for another: (6010)
For the Command, that Day, will be (wholly) with Allah.
Surah 82:1-15 Al Infitar (The Cleaving Asunder)
"6008. I understand this relative clause to govern "the Fire", i.e., the Punishment. It will be postponed as long a possible, to give the sinner every chance of repentance and amendment. But once the period of probation is past, it will be irrevocable. 6009. We can speak of Rewards and Punishments, the Fruits of Actions, the Resurrection and the Tribunal, the Restoration of True Values, the Elimination of all Wrong, and a hundred other phrases. They might serve to introduce our minds vaguely to a new World, of which they cannot possibly form any adequate conception under present conditions. The question is repeated in verses 17-18 to emphasise this difficulty, and a simple answer is suggested, as explained in the next note. 6010. The answer is suggested by a negative proposition: 'No soul shall have the power to do aught for another.' This is full of meaning. Personal responsibility will be fully enforced. In this world we all depend on one another proximately, though our ultimate dependence is always on Allah, now and forever. But here a father helps a son forward; husband and wife influence each other's destinies; human laws and institutions may hold large masses of mankind under their grip; falsehood and evil seem to flourish for a time, because a certain amount of limited free will has been granted to man. This period will be over then. The good and the pure will have been separated from the evil and the rebellious; the latter will have been rendered inert, and the former will have been so perfected that their wills will be in complete consonance with Allah's Universal Will. The Command, thenceforward, will be wholly with Allah."
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an
(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)
There are two distinct time frames here, that is, the present Bliss of Qiyamah and the future Punishment by the Fire which the present Unbelievers will only enter at the end of the Day of Judgment. Only when the Grace period of Qiyamah ends will the universal Day of Judgment, the Second Coming take place. This is yet far away in the future. The present True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) will by then have been judged and those successful entered His Kingdom a long time ago.
The Islamic scholars dismembered their version of Doomsday into two with this interpretation:
"I understand this relative clause to govern 'the Fire', i.e., the Punishment. It will be postponed as long a possible, to give the sinner every chance of repentance and amendment. But once the period of probation is past, it will be irrevocable."
Unless this refers to two different periods it makes no sense:
i) Why delay punishment when it is the End of the World?
ii) When will sinners have the time to repent for their sins to escape punishment?
iii) Which fool won't repent when the skies are falling to pieces and mountains tumbling down in Allah's Wrath?
iv) Then why is this absolutely frivolous act that allows all sinners, no matter how immoral or murderous, to just repent and be eligible for paradise?
v) Why are these Thieves of Faith able to conjecture and fool the Ummah, or is their intelligence not insulted?
vi) And then the blind scholars tell their intellectually challenged followers that:
"We can speak of Rewards and Punishments, the Fruits of Actions, the Resurrection and the Tribunal, the Restoration of True Values, the Elimination of all Wrong, and a hundred other phrases. They might serve to introduce our minds vaguely to a new World, of which they cannot possibly form any adequate conception under present conditions."
Again, unless the Day of Resurrection and final Judgment is separated, the above statement makes no sense.
Then yet again Yusuf Ali and his forty Thieves of Truth struggle to fuse Resurrection and Judgment together but with little success:
". . . human laws and institutions may hold large masses of mankind under their grip; falsehood and evil seem to flourish for a time, because a certain amount of limited free will has been granted to man. This period will be over then. The good and the pure will have been separated from the evil and the rebellious; the latter will have been rendered inert, and the former will have been so perfected that their wills will be in complete consonance with Allah's Universal Will. The Command, thenceforward, will be wholly with Allah."
Yet again this false fusion of two different and distinct periods between the Good News and Grace of Al-Qiyamah and the Death and Destruction of Doomsday - separated by decades or centuries - makes no sense. But prisoners of blind faith and religious fundamentalism have been known to care little for logic and sense. Their herd mentality gives them the security of numbers and self-bestowed righteousness, even in the face all obvious falsity. So we have to ask the Ummah:
i) How, when and why will Allah "give the sinner every chance of repentance and amendment" on Judgment Day?
ii) Does this "period of probation" commence on Doomsday, or with His messengers announcing the Good News of Qiyamah?
iii) Does this Period of Probation end on Doomsday itself, or when there are no more humans aspiring to enter His Kingdom?
iv) Did Thy Lord Most Beneficent who created thee also create Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and others?
v) Does Thy Lord Most Beneficent who calls thee to the Resurrection also call all other beings, or is it just the privilege of the Ummah?
vi) Does Thy Lord Most Beneficent who regards you as His children also regard all humans as such?
vii) And what will explain to thee what the Day of Qiyamah (Al Qadr) and Day of Judgment (Al Qariah) is?
vii) Do your ulema, clerics, imams, shaikhs, muftis, mullahs and ayatollahs know the difference between the Beginning of the Night of Power and Fate (Al Qadr) and the End of the Day of Noise and Clamor (Al Qariah)?
viii) Do they have the power to influence your destiny and lead you to His Paradise during the Resurrection - or Hell during Judgment Day?
ix) Do they have the power to save you from the wiles of Iblis, or do they lead you blindly to his lair?
x) Do your religious regimes and sects free you to respond to His Call, or do they hold you in their grip as Qiyamah progresses on?
xi) Is falsehood and evil flourishing in the mosques as the Great News (surah 78:1-5 An-Naba) of Qiyamah is spread across Earth?
xii) Are the good and the pure being "separated from the evil and rebellious" by the Good News?
xiii) Are the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) being rendered inert, and becoming "so perfected that their wills are in complete consonance with Allah's Universal Will"?
xiv) Does His Command that you accept His Mercy and bear personal responsibility during the Resurrection - lest they have to face the terrible Punishment on Judgment Day - make sense?
xv) And if it doesn't, then what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is?
They may defy Allah but they cannot stop His Will. The Day of Qiyamah has been announced and no force can now obliterate this Revealed Truth from the face of this Earth. But the Hypocrites (Al-Munafiqun) will defy and dare Allah's Sure Sings of Qiyamah. The Unbelievers (Al-Kafirun) will differ and deny the Great Event. The entire Ummah will scorn and sneer at the Good News.
sumber dari: al-qiyamah.org/
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