When You Forget Who You Are ….Your Heart becomes Hardened…Your Heart becomes darkened..and when our hearts become darkened…we become unhappy .When we become unhappy we want to be happy…so when we meet people what do we do ?..we act, we put on a show …We Become into a state of Hypocrisy….
Did you not hear the word of Allah (swt) in the Quran…they forgot Allah..they neglected Allah So then Allah made them forget who they are…
Allah is speaking about those who forgot..who neglected Allah (their creator) and turned to other things as being their objective…turned to other things as being the most important thing for them…turned to other things which they should strive for…and reach…instead of Allah, Allah says ..they forgot Allah…by being distracted by other things…other than Allah(swt) until what ?
Allah (swt) made them forget who they even are….
made them forget their own identity…
made them forget, who you are and what is your purpose..where are you heading?…
they forgot Allah, so then Allah made them forget themselves…
this is something natural…this is something normal to occur…this is the effect of that …the cause is that we choose to forget Allah…(those people who forgot) so the result of that naturally..equals a person forgetting who they even are…
When You Forget Who You Are ….Your Heart becomes Hardened…Your Heart becomes darkened..and when our hearts become darkened…we become unhappy .When we become unhappy we want to be happy…so when we meet people what do we do ?..we act, we put on a show …We Become into a state of Hypocrisy….
because a person wants to find happiness..and they cant..and so they look for other things to bring them happiness…and the first thing they look for…is worldly things…that can bring them this happiness and this satisfaction otherwise they feel that they, have no value..whatsoever..and this cannot be achieved except with hypocrisy ….(and there is no truth to it) these types of people lead on …what else..?
they start to lose their sight, their hearing…they start to lose themselves by going on to ….intoxications…and a lot of them, who we hear about…such as celebrities…and the likes of them, whom we on television…
we think that they are living the life…but what happens to them? suddenly we hear about them committing suicide…we hear about them … dying of drugs, of alcohol…we find them partying all night until they died…they partied to death…
these types of people we think they are living the life…and then we start to imitate them…thinking that this is where happiness comes from..but what has actually happened here..to these people(muslim or not)
they have forgotten themselves…
majority of people forget who they are…(ill give you an example)
a person says …
I am a christian
I am a jew
I am a Hindu..
whatever they say they are…
if you ask them the question …why are you of that particular religion?
the common response is this, oh because my parents are…I was brought up that way…
do you think this person knows who they really are?
If i say to you…I am Muslim because my parents are Muslim
do i know who I am?…do i Know why I am a MUslim?
do i know what I’m ment to be doing?…
Do i believe in what I’m doing?
or am i doing it to please my parents now…or am I doing it to please my culture…or my people that are looking at me…or the members in the masjid, who see me going there…am I doing it …to just put on a show for my family?
the first sign…of this hypocrisy is that when I am alone…I have a different identity…
When I’m alone…I watch things which I dont watch in the day…
When I’m alone…I listen to things, people dont know that I listen to…
When I’m alone…I am happy that no one is watching me …
because the first thing I want to do is to resort to the things which Allah hates…This is one of the other signs..of a perosn who does not know who they are…or they think that they are something that they are not ..(putting on a show) so when you ask a person … why are you a Muslim?
I wonder how many people can give a proper answer…Listen to what the prophet (saw) said…here is just an example of how a person knows who they are..
He says..whoever…abandons looking at something which is forbidden..Allah will expiate that or will compensate that with a sweetness..of the feeling of Imaan (faith) which they find it inside of their heart .
when a person stops any act which Allah (swt) hates…it means that..that person is only wanting the pleasure of Allah(swt) in how they use their eyes(for example) or how they use their body..how they use their time..and as a result the genuine…the sign of you being genuine in that …meaning that Allah is your objective..by obstaining from this…by controlling yourself…the sign of this genuine love for Allah…making Him your priority…is that you will find a feeling of sweetness…inside of your heart…
This sweetness…(i swear by Allah) If you give this person everything in the world..
If you give them everything that any human desire would want..
It will not make a difference (or come close) in their sweetness that they feel inside their hearts…
And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. It is they that are the rebellious. [Quran, Surah Al Hashr, Ch 59: V 19 and 20]
sumber dari: http://bilad-alsham.com/
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