Thursday 3 October 2013

Wal Fajr

With winter finally over, it is hard to miss noticing the enthusiastic chirping of the birds once again in the early mornings. A welcomed blessing- the prospect of a new day with infinite possibilities. Lately, these chirpings have been synonymous with the morning alarm, reaffirming my senses that it is dawn and time for Fajr prayers (and that I have not missed them yet, alhamdulillah!). Apart from this they are not really much of a big deal; such occurrences tend to happen so often they are usually dismissed as an insignificant part of our lives. So why bother, right?

Allah encourages us to observe creation so that we may ponder and draw lessons from them, and be reminded of His supremacy. As a science student as well, I would be really guilty if I fall short in this regard. Alhamdulillah, by His mercy, I realised something profound just a while ago.

As spring replaces winter, dawn (Fajr time) gets earlier and earlier; by as much as 4 minutes between consecutive days. Personally I think it is almost impossible to accurately distinguish between night and twilight just based on observation, it is not until an hour and a half later when the sky starts getting noticeably brighter, which is also a sign of the approaching sunrise. But regardless of how much earlier twilight occurs, the chirping of the birds correspond accordingly. They start chirping when my clock tells me that dawn has already passed, although my senses and body strongly object to the idea and wish that it was still midnight. Today Fajr was at 4.21 am. A bit too early for the common man to start functioning properly, especially when dusk starts only at 8 pm and the night falls only at about 9.15 pm. Not for these birds. And they don’t use alarm clocks.

I am reminded of this verse where Allah says,
“And to Allah prostrates all that is in the heavens and the earth, of the living creatures and the angels, and they are not proud (worship Allah with humility)”
- Surah An-Nahl (16:49).

SubhanAllah. Glorious is Allah. How humbling are these signs, if only we ponder? Certainly by His mercy, Allah leaves these signs for us to reflect and take lessons from. Allah says,
“Verily, in the heavens and the earth are signs for the believers. And in your creation, and what He scattered (through the earth) of living creatures, are signs for people who have Faith with certainty.”
- Surah Al-Jathiyah (45:3-4).

Oh Allah, all praise is due to You and You alone. Alhamdulillah for allowing me to appreciate your Signs, reflect upon them and have my Imaan strengthened on this blessed morning. You are Al-Mujib, the One who responds to prayers, and to You is my final return. Continue guiding us and make us all from amongst the believers who have faith with certainty in this beautiful Deen and those who will be successful in the hereafter. 


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